Friday, October 4, 2019

Want to rent a chicken?


6:15 pm:

There was a vote earlier this week, since I remember that Justin Amash was reported to be the only GOP member to vote for it.  If that wasn't an impeachment inquiry, what was it?

This link to an article on the Hill says that there is no formal impeachment inquiry.  No vote was taken on one of those.  ( according to the article )  If it isn't, then what the heck is it that they voted on?

5:00 pm:

Is this a real impeachment?  It seems that I wasn't clear on this, and I'm still not clear on it after this show.  Did they hold a vote in the House or not?  If not, then there isn't any basis for what the Dems are doing on impeachment.

It isn't even an impeachment inquiry.  It's a fake.  According to the view on the video.  I'm not clear on what exactly happened.

The end of the show, he seems to go into this part that says he thinks we are living in crazy times.

It could easily devolve into something like that.  The key is to keep you wits about you.

It reminds me of a joking type skit, where a normal guy keeps getting badgered by this nutcase who wants to rent a chicken to him.  The guy starts normal, then after being pestered beyond endurance, the once normal guy goes nuts.  Moral:  Don't let them drive you nuts with this stuff.

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