Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Liar liar pants on fire


Democrats are using the SCIF ( which is for classified information ) for their own selectively secret Star Chamber tribunal.  Then they leak what they want the public to hear.  Pelosi compares her tribunal to a Grand Jury, but Grand Juries cannot expel their own members, nor can they talk to the media.

Yet Pelosi is out there claiming to be "for the truth".  Only in the alternate universe of post-modernist philosophy can something like this be considered as "truth".  It is "Nancy's truth", and nobody is going to disturb her truth, even if it is facts contrary to what she wants a majority to believe as truth.  The truth cannot get in the way of the truth.

Or, she has something to hide herself.  Could she be involved in the Burisma scandal herself?  So many Democrats seem to get rich while "serving the public interest".

Maybe Nancy is just a plain and simple liar.

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