Thursday, April 18, 2019

Can't talk intelligently about what you don't know

MSNBC political analyst ask why Christians cannot be "nicer".   Well, she actually asks about Jesus in particular, and that Christians should act more like Jesus.

If Christians acted more like Jesus, then liberals would really have problems.  That's because there were plenty of times when Jesus wasn't very "nice".

In fact, he made the Jews in the temple so mad, they wanted to stone him to death several times.  He called them liars and devils.   He called them hypocrites.  These were very pious people of that time.  At least they were pious in their own minds, a lot like liberals today.   In fact, it would seem that the Pharisees are a lot like liberals today.  Liberals today think that they are so much better than the rest of us.  Jesus would not be very nice to liberals these days, if he was anything like the way he was in the Gospels.   He also said beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.  Interpret that to mean, don't listen to them!

I don't think Jesus would be very nice to today's liberals.  He said if the town you're in won't listen to you, then shake the dust off your feet when you leave.  For it would be more tolerable in Sodom and Gomorrah than it would be in that town.  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, by the way.  Whether or not you believe that, that is what Jesus said.  At the very least, it isn't very "nice" to want to say your town should be reduced to ashes.

Bringing up Sodom and Gomorrah was just the kind of thing that Jesus DID do.  So, how can this analyst speak intelligently on the subject?


Sometimes it might be good to take your own advice, with respect to knowing your subject.  Jesus said those things to the apostles as he sent them out.  I used the word "you" in the generic sense.  In any case, he did say it.  So the point is still valid. 

Besides, if Christians are to act like Jesus, then to say that they are to act like the Apostles too only confirms that.  They were acting according to his command.

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