Thursday, January 31, 2019


Let me mention straight out, that this may be an unusual post here.

Perhaps because I do not discuss the subject of abortion here.  There are a lot of strong feelings on the subject.  Perhaps I do not have that strong of a feeling about it one way or another.

That is what is unusual.  I am not indifferent about the subject.  At least, I don't think that I am.

This raises the a question then, as to why I do not get animated about the discussion.  For instance, the discussion came up today.  My eldest brother mentioned the subject, and he said that he didn't know what my opinion was on the subject.  I said nothing

Since then, I stopped and wondered why it was that I had no response to the invitation to the discussion.

Let it be stated clearly that I do not approve of abortion.  Just exactly what is it then that could be done about it?  Arguing about it doesn't change anybody's mind.

A thought experiment here---- what if I were 30 years old and married.  My wife announces that she is pregnant, but she does not want a baby.  If she wanted an abortion then, what the hell could I do about it?  The law is on her side.  She could go get one, and I would have no recourse on it at all.

So, what could I say that I didn't say earlier?  Only that I don't approve, but I haven't much say in the matter.    If a  woman wants an abortion, she can get one.  No discussion is going to change that, so I guess to me, it isn't worth discussing.  If I were married, and my wife were pregnant, and she wanted an abortion, I could say that I was against it, but so what?  She could get one anyway.  Get a divorce?  Maybe such a step would be even worse, who knows?

Let's just say that it isn't worth worrying about things that you have no control over.  There isn't much you can do about abortion if you are opposed but to argue against it, but there are plenty of arguments out there that get nowhere.

Like I said.  It is an unusual post.  My reaction to the issue may give the impression of indifference.  But I don't think that it is indifference.  I cannot crawl inside someone else's skin and make their decisions for them.  It isn't worth getting excited about.  So I don't.

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