Thursday, November 29, 2018

Nobel Laureate says Global Warming is Pseudoscience

He is too kind.  In my opinion, Man-made Global Warming (AGW) a big lie.

But a lot of people believe it.  Okay, so what do you do about that?  Well, one thing I heard is that for a lie to succeed, it requires somebody who is willing to believe the lie.

In other words, if you are open to the truth, a lie cannot succeed.

I dare anyone to watch this video, and not be convinced that he trying to tell the truth.  But I challenge what he says as being too generous.  It isn't even pseudoscience.  I say that AGW is a fraud.  But if you are inclined to be open in your thinking, maybe you would consider watching this video, and let your belief be challenged---either way!

For maybe he can convince you to be more forgiving of these people who believe this fraud ( my word for it).  To him, they are just mistaken.  I am more inclined to believe that these are just evil people who are fooling a lot of gullible people.  I don't know if I can forgive the gullible, either.  They are too lazy to think for themselves.  The fraudsters are doing it for money and power.  They are relying upon the weaknesses of others in order to get their ill-gotten gains.

Gullibility is a variant of the one of the seven deadly sins, which is sloth.  Sloth is the unwillingness to do what is necessary.  It is necessary to think about this, and to do it honestly, and with a great respect for truth.  For a liar can only succeed if somebody is willing to believe the lies.


Why not be more forgiving to the gullible who fall for this stuff?  Because I see that in myself.  I fell for AGW myself, and plus a few other things that the libs peddle to the unsuspecting sheep.

If you get burned for something, you are more likely to remember it.

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