Thursday, October 11, 2018

Psst. I got a secret

The BIG SECRET that seems to have escaped everyone's attention is that the Democrats don't give a rat's rear end about rape.

It's not that Kavanaugh is a rapist or not.  No sir.  It is about UNLIMITED ABORTION ON DEMAND.  That's the big secret.

If the Democrats really cared about rape, they would be thrilled with conservatives on the court.  Because a true conservative really does care about preventing rape.  The idea of appointing a rapist to the Supreme Court is offensive to a conservative.

In the old days, rape was a capital offense.  Who was responsible for changing that?  Conservatives?  No, think again.

But liberals are concerned about the chastity of young women?  C'mon.  They didn't have a problem with Clinton.  Also, sexual promiscuity increases the probability of rape.  Don't believe that?  Which is more likely to be a rape scenario-- if Blasey Ford was prevented from going to such parties, or if Blasey Ford was set free to go to any such party as she wished when she was that age.  The fact is, if Blasey Ford was carefully monitored as a child, no rape attempt could have been in the cards.  That is because SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN PROTECTED FROM THOSE SITUATIONS.

But liberals don't want women to be protected from those situations.  Instead, they want women to seek those situations, and be as sexually free as a man.  With UNLIMITED ABORTION ON DEMAND, a woman can go get laid as often as she likes.  If she gets pregnant, she can get an abortion, and keep right on screwing around.

Liberals would scream bloody murder if you were to restrict the sexual freedom of women.  Therefore, they cannot possibly be against rape.  The only way they care about it is that it gives them an opportunity to bash men.  Men like Kavanaugh.

There, the secret is out.  But it isn't really a secret after all, is it?

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