Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hurry up and wait

Or is it, wait, then hurry up?

Seems like I spend a lot of time doing not very much, then all of a sudden, I need to hurry up.

This morning, I have spent a bit of time thinking about myself.  This is what I have come to refer to as "nazel gazing".  A huge waste of time.  Or is it?  It seems to me that a person is what he is, and there is not that much that can be done about it.  But that could be wrong.  When is this a rationalization for failure?

As I have written in previous posts, when discussing myself, I have consulted a good many self-improvement books.  What I have also noted, is that these self-improvement books have not had much of an impact.  Seems to me that I am not that much different than what I have always been.

One thing I remember about these books, is seeing how to put oneself on a program to better oneself.

While I was sitting on my butt navel gazing about all this, I suddenly realized something.  I may lack much insight into myself.  This is why I cannot discover my faults and work on them and make some real progress.  So, instead of improving myself, I give up.

Ever hit a wall, and it seems like it is impossible to get over it?  It is impossible because you think it is impossible.  But sometimes a thing really is impossible.  How to know the difference?  How do you know when to quit?

Some people will say to never quit.  Well, I don't have a problem with quitting.  Quitting comes easy for me.  Maybe a bit too easy.  I do think also that you never say never.  Quitting on something may be the best way to respond to a situation.  Perhaps the key is to know when to quit.

There is room enough for improvement, but nobody is perfect.  Seems to me that this can be an excuse or a reasonable explanation.  But to discover which could be the challenge.

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