Thursday, July 19, 2018

Current events reporting emphasizing confusion over clarity


4:45 pm:

Surber has a Gallup poll that says less than 1% of Americans think that Russia is a problem.

You have to wonder sometimes about these polls...

the original post:

The news seems to be hyper emotional and conflicted.

For instance, how can the generic congressional polling be up for Dems, when Trump's numbers are also up?  For the Democrat's main line of campaigning and agitation seems toward removing this president from office.  How can these poll numbers be reconciled?  It doesn't make sense.  If people wanted Trump out, his numbers would be down, wouldn't you think?  But that is not the case.

Some polls say that the public would like better relations with Russia, but Trump's so-called ties with Russia is near the top in voter's concerns.  The number that I saw in that poll was not that high, though.  Perhaps more clarity would be the case if we knew if more or less people wanted better relations with Russia than are concerned about Trump's alleged ties with Russia.  That question doesn't get asked.

So, I am thinking that the reporting is hyping too many things, and is muddying the waters.

Generally speaking, the public may well be happy with the job Trump is doing, but not with the GOP.  Perhaps that makes more sense.

There is a significant never Trump faction the GOP, but Trump's support in the GOP is very good.  Evidently, the problem is with a noisy few, who also happen to be influential.  If these people are removed from their position of influence within the party, the party might be more united.

The media centers are driving the anti Trump messaging, but how effective will that be in motivating enough voters in order to make a difference in the fall?

The GOP needs to get its act together.  It seems like the messaging should be "morning in America", but instead, the messaging is hyper emotional and hysterical.  This is true even in the conservative blogosphere.  Why should conservatives be worried?  They ought to be confident because it appears that they are winning.  Or should be...

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