Thursday, November 30, 2017

Don't play by the left's rules

All of the calls for resignations from the left towards the left's politicians should not impress anybody at all.

The left is just being the left, after all.

They will gladly sacrifice one of theirs for one of yours, provided that the one they get is of higher value than the one they sacrificed.

Roy Moore is extremely valuable.  Just because a bunch of leftist pervs may be forced to resign does not mean that Moore should go, too.

It's playing by the left's rules, I say.  No moral equivalence is here.  The left is always guilty because the left is not interested in playing by the rules.  They are more interested in forcing you to play by their rules, while they are free to violate them.

This is not to approve bad behavior.  No sirree bob.  But the left doesn't give a crap about good behavior, anyway.  They don't care about women, they just use them for political power.  Same goes for all the groups that they supposedly champion.  Don't fall for their bravo sierra.

If they want to eat their own, let them!  It doesn't make them moral.  They only do it because they have to in order to remain viable.

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