Sunday, June 5, 2016

World Government, World Peace, and Globalism

Globalism is driven towards one world government.  It is the logical endpoint for it all.  Once all borders are removed, authority has to come from somewhere.  It will come from a powerful central government that will rule over the entire world.  Once a world government is established, there will be no more war, as there will be no more nations that will be able to disturb the peace.  So goes the thought.  What about it in practice?

It would be reminiscent of the Brave New World, in which there was a single government that ruled.  However, Huxley's Brave New World went much further than that.  World peace and happiness came at a frightful cost to liberty and to morality. 

Dissenters were exiled, and suppressed.  If the dissent went too far, they were done away with ( not in any brutal way, but by devious means).  Such was the case with John the Savage, and his mother.  Both came from the Savage Reservation and could not be dealt with in any other way.  John was overwhelmed by the "civilized" world and committed suicide.  His mother could not fit in anymore even though she wanted to, as she grew old and ugly on the Reservation, an outcome which is not acceptable to the "civilized" world.  She was killed through a drug overdose.

The Globalists are driving humanity towards a version of that Brave New World.  Freedom and morality are being systematically destroyed.  Drug abuse is becoming the new norm.  How long will it be until children are born in "hatcheries"?  Women don't want children these days.  The state has taken over child rearing, or it seeks to do so.  Dissent is being squashed, as "climate deniers" are going to be punished.  Social justice warriors are the new morality police.  Those who dare to dissent with them are to be punished, too. 

Material progress is stunted in the name of questionable climate science which may as well be no science at all.  Does anybody study real science anymore?  Nobody will be able to seek self improvement because we are all to be equal with each other, and one's excellence might  hurt someone else's feelings.  Truth is suppressed with the philosophy that posits that there is no such thing.  It is called post modernism.

Huxley's Brave New World allowed no privacy.  Likewise, in our world, there hasn't been any privacy in financial transactions for years, as the IRS can see everything.  With the coming of the World Wide Web, what privacy that was left to us has quickly vanished.   When quantum computers are powerful enough, no encryption method will stand up to it - there will be no secrets at all.  Cell phones can be traced, even when they are turned off.  The new world state knows everything, or will seek to know everything about everybody's business.  The point of it all this is to control everybody.  The state will be all powerful, and the individual will be just a cog in a great big machine.

We are most of the way there already.  But there's a little more consolidating left to do.  The one world government hasn't been established yet.  It may be established in the aftermath of the next great war.  That will be the excuse for robbing everyone of their freedom.

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