Thursday, June 9, 2016

Trump on the rise with Latinos

according to this opinion piece.


It seems that the opinion makers may have it wrong.  If the truth were to be reported, Trump would not be reported as being racist or bigoted.  It is false, and infuriatingly so. 

What Speaker Ryan said about this lawsuit flap was sickening.  You'd expect that kind of dishonesty from an opposition party, not from a leader within your own party.  Trump does not do what they say he does, nor does he say what they say he says.  If the truth prevails, Trump shouldn't have any trouble over race.


The rationale for this response is that the GOP is afraid of down ballot repercussions.  Well, in my opinion, their reaction to what Trump is going to cost them more votes than what Trump said.

Why?  Because they only validate the charge that anything non pc is racist.  What they should do is uniformly reject the premises.  They are the ones who always look at race.  If you only look at facts of the situation, race hasn't got anything to do with it.  The democrats want to use this as an issue against Trump.  That is a fact.

The bigger question is why are these people in the GOP helping them?  They don't give extra points for validating democrat accusations.  It only intensifies them.

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