Friday, February 14, 2014

The Calm Before The Storm

Something is going to happen.  Looking around at all the news, it is hard to see how things can continue like this for much longer.

  • Europe is considering confiscating private savings.  That banking problem hasn't gone away.
  • Japan may be slipping into nationalism.
  • Venezuela and Argentina fall deeper into leftist pathology.
  • Washington pretends that it is influencing Iran about its nuke intentions, but Iran thumbs its nose at Washington.
  • Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is getting worried.  Pakistan has offered them nuclear technology.
  • Russia is getting a new foothold in Egypt.  The last time this happened, Egypt attacked Israel.
  • Obama acts like a King, and his followers applaud.
  • Instead of confronting Obama, the GOP writes him a blank check.
  • The Federal Reserve has pumped up the stock market, but there's nowhere to go now without going into a frenzy of speculation.  How can it go up any further?  But the Fed won't let it go down, so money will continue to be easy for the near future.
  • Things are looking like the 70's all over again.  Solar farm fries birds.  We've seen this before.  All of this has been tried before.  Windmills, solar farms.  It doesn't work.  Nationalism and potential war overseas.  It doesn't work.  Resort to monetary debasement.  Doesn't work.
People seem desperate and are flailing around trying stuff that doesn't work and won't work this time either.

The last time it looked like this, Ronald Reagan became President.  There may not be a White Knight this time.  Buckle yourself in, as this may get to be a hairy ride.

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