Monday, February 10, 2014

Everything is horsefeathers

Or so it seems sometimes.  As I wrote before, I like to hold donkey barbeques.  So the latest one is for Ann Barnhardt.

Lots of the time, I agree with what she writes.  But the latest is just a full barreled assault against anybody and everybody about everything.  We are all going to hell and we all deserve it, she seems to say.

Well, I say phooey.  Horsefeathers.  She likes to talk religion, I see.

One reason I got turned off on religion was because of my experience in a church when I was very young.  It was a real fire and brimstone type sermon from a preacher that maybe a little kid shouldn't be hearing.  Perhaps someone old enough to know the ways of the world would relate to it, but not a little kid. I turned atheist, or so I thought.  Whatever.  I didn't trust religion from that point on.  That's what she reminded me of when I read her piece.

Later on in my life, I had a change of heart.  But all of that takes time.  So it is with most people I suspect.  Most people are just doing what I was doing.  Living their lives according to their own interests, experiences, and beliefs.  But down deeper, people are trustful that somebody is in charge and is taking care of matters.  That's what it is to be a mere sheepster.

But what if nobody really is taking care of matters?

The vast majority of people are just sheep in that way.  The sheep are at the mercy of the wolves.  Perhaps there are some who will put themselves between the wolves and the sheep.  If there are any to blame, we don't have enough of those.  There are those who could step forward, but won't.  If we are to fail as a civilization, it is because we don't have enough of those who will.  Sheep won't be- nor can't be- anything but sheep.  To blame sheep for their slaughter is unjust.  It is also a cop-out for those who might make a difference, but won't.

I get a lot of that kind of cop-out crap from so-called right wing sites.  They all want to blame the sheep.  The low information voters.  But the real problem is that none of them want to step up to the plate and actually do something themselves.

As for the Roman Empire, which she mentions, it appears to have been pretty much the same thing I write here.  Nobody would do anything, and those who tried were destroyed.  In the end, there wasn't enough who cared enough to make a difference.  Most of the people of that time who could have done something probably did nothing, in my opinion.  So Rome went to hell.  That's probably what did it.

If we are to fail as a civilization, that's what will happen here too.  It's all about leadership.  Who will stand between the sheep and the wolves?  It won't be those who blame the sheep, I suspect.

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