Sunday, January 12, 2014

Robert Ringer and Ann Barnhardt seem to agree about something

That this nation is no longer a nation of laws, but of lawless men.

First Robert Ringer:

today we live in the United States of Lawlessness, where government force trumps all

and here's what Ann Barnhardt wrote most recently why I despair and hold out NO HOPE for any sort of internal self-correction or resuscitation of the now-dead United States. I truly believe that the Marxist infiltrators of the media and entertainment industry intentionally fomented the worship of sports teams...he becomes a free agent and goes to the Red Sox, then he can rape girls, deal drugs and torture animals and THAT’S FINE. Just as long as he is wearing the correct BLOUSE [ my comment: in other words Lawlessness ]
Although it may appear otherwise at times, I think I am in accord with these two because of this.

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