Friday, December 6, 2013

Bill Whittle's latest

It's tough.  It's really tough to go after Whittle.  Heck, he may be the best thing going for this country.  But that latest thing is once again a bit much.

It's a fascinating read.  For awhile there, I was hooked.  But a moment's thought.... no.

This country is on the wrong track, but it may not take anything really big to set things right.  It may take something simple... like winning an election.  Winning the election and governing wisely, that is.

I am very tempted to label these people as evil.  But it may not be evil, just incompetence.  We, on the other hand ( meaning those on the conservative side), must rise above our own incompetence.

Whittle may be right, but I've got a bad feeling about it, that's all.

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