Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Flaca Speech - The Alamo - John Wayne as David Crockett

Apr 18, 2023

Like Reagan said, not a choice between left and right.  It's a choice between right and wrong.

John Wayne isn't talking about elections.  Soon people may see the futility of crooked elections.

Sep 17, 2019


What's right and what's wrong?  It used to be understood by all, but not anymore.  

One of the things going on in DC is about gun-control.  It is the most newsworthy item out there.  The reason is the upcoming 2020 election.  If the GOP caves in, as is their usual thing, they will lose.  Maybe they will lose big.  The gun-control issue is the Achilles Heel for Trump and the GOP.  No other issue is more of a third rail for him than this one.  He may as well drop out of the running for President if he signs on to what the Democrats want.

Is it right or wrong to oppose gun-control?  Of course people die in these attacks, but you'll never end all violence.  If you don't want to hear about violence, then shut down the news media!  It is a sure bet that people won't hear about it anymore if the media cannot report it.  The only reason the politicians are even discussing this bill is that the media has made gun confiscation as one of their crusades.

If you shut down the news media and confiscate all guns, there is a sure bet that reports about gun violence will drop drastically or maybe even disappear entirely.  But are these the right things to do?

I am in favor of keeping all of our freedoms.  But it wouldn't bother me as much to shut down some of these news media outlets.  It wouldn't bother me to red flag all people who I disagree with politically.  But it wouldn't necessarily be in keeping with the letter and spirit of the Constitution.  On that grounds it would be wrong.  If you think the Constitution is wrong, there is a way to change that legally.

We have to come together on some common ground, or fall apart.  If the Constitution isn't any good anymore, there's a way to change that.  Otherwise, what the hell are we talking about?


There may be no evidence that this speech was ever made by Crockett.  I suspect it was a speech by none other than John Wayne himself.  That's why its a good movie even if it doesn't adhere to the actual history of that event.  It was great art, but it wasn't exactly historically accurate.

The GOP needs to see this speech.  And then act upon it.  Do the right thing even if you get clobbered for it.

In fact, Sam Houston did say something like that--- I think it went like this:  "Do right, and face the consequences."

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