Thursday, September 26, 2013

ObamaCare not worth fighting over?

I wrote something during the Zimmerman case to the effect that the issue wasn't worth fighting over.  It wasn't.  It was an open and shut self-defense issue that should never have been public knowledge.

The LEFT WAS WILLING TO MAKE IT AN ISSUE.  Even though it only involved the death of one man, who frankly, probably had it coming.  One way or another, Martin was going down.  If it wasn't Zimmerman, it would have someone or something else.  Martin was on the wrong track, heading for an early exit to this life.

Now, in contrast, we have this ObamaCare issue, which involves EVERY DAMNED BODY.
And here are these Republicans who don't think it matters enough to have an all out kick in the balls type fight over it.  So, THEY WILL DO NOTHING.

I'm here to tell ya.  If this wasn't worth fighting over, NOTHING THE FUCK IS.  That's what it means for them to back down now.  They will have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY after this, as far as I'm concerned.

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