Friday, April 12, 2013

This kind of thing is getting scary

There's a number of posts on Ace of Spades that are cultural in nature.  Maybe I'm not up to speed on this kind of thing, but after reading them, I realize how bad things are out there.

There's this business about same-sex marriage.  That wasn't on any of Ace's posts, by the way.  I'm just correlating it with what was on the blog.

There's a post about the infanticide that wasn't covered on the news.  Now Wikipedia is considering dropping anything about the story on the grounds that it didn't get into the national news.  The reason?  This is happening because women are being forced into underground clinics, so says Amanda Marcotte.  That is just an out and out lie.

There's a pattern emerging.  No honest coverage of Obama, no honest coverage of Benghazi, and now this.  And it is EVIL.  They are just flat out lying about what is going on.  The most evil thing is that people are believing the lies.  Even worse than this is the general lack of fighting spirit to counter the lies.

The culture is as out of control as the government.  It may well be the reason why the government is out of control.  The culture is dead.  Things are getting downright scary.

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