Friday, March 29, 2013

On the cusp of very strange times

A short ditty here.  Rush Limbaugh says we've lost on same sex marriage no matter what the court does.  He says we lost it when the left took over the language.

Anyway, reflecting upon that shortly, it begins to appear that words won't win this match.  It's going to take something else, but what?

You can let things go on as they are and they will collapse on their own.  Or you can take matters in your own hands.  If you take matters in your own hands, it means rebellion.  That means fighting and that means people are going to die.  This is very unlikely outcome.  This country has become far, far too passive for that.  So, it is going to be things going on as they have been.  Rush is right, it has been lost because they have control over the levers and there's nothing that you could do about it short of violence, and nobody wants that.

Who will lead the rebellion if there is one?  Certainly not Rush.  He has already declared defeat.  There are no leaders.  People are arming themselves, but for what?

In the absence of leaders and the will to fight, things will go on as they are.  Things are going to get very strange in the future.

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