Friday, November 30, 2012

Waking up to smell the rotten eggs

  1. There was something recently about the aftermath of the Superstorm Sandy.  It seems that some people were smart enough to get some generators which came in handy when the power went out.  But there was some liberal jackass who thought all of this was just so unfair.  You see, somebody has electricity and somebody else doesn't.  It is just so unfair.  Liberals are so distressed by all of this unfairness.  What he doesn't seem to grasp, and what some liberals don't seem to grasp, is that there are differences in people.  Some people are motivated.  Others aren't.  Some people are prudent.  Others are foolish.  People are different.  You can't make em all be the same.

    In this case, if it is unfair, what do you do about it?  Do you take away the generators from the prudent and give them to the foolish?  This reminds me of what Limbaugh is fond of doing.  He says he illustrates absurdity by being absurd.  But this kind of thing doesn't need illustration.  These people are absurd just by being themselves.
  2. That allows me to segue into a thought I had just before I started writing this.  There's this phrase I saw for the first time in a history book.  It goes like this:  facts are stubborn things.  It was attributed to Joseph Stalin.  But there was an earlier reference that I found later.  John Adams also said that.  Maybe he said it first.  Anyway, facts are not subject to will.  They do whatever they want, they are whatever they want.  No temper tantrums are going to change them.  No table pounding is going to make any difference.  Truth is truth.  It is what it is.  Yada, yada, yada.  Anyway, it seems to me that a healthy respect for the independence of truth is the first step towards being a rational, sane person.  The opposite is the way towards insanity.
  3. Another thought just popped up.  Isn't all of this just a lot of nonsense?  Sometimes I get this feeling of futility.  Like banging my head against the wall.  What good is it to be your best when the world is turning into shit?  Maybe I shouldn't have gotten out of bed.  What the hell.  Get on with it.
  4. Update:  As I was saying: Cops: Fla. woman attacks boyfriend after bad sex
  5. Update:  Or this one: Hey, Mister! Ya Wanna Rent a CHICKEN?  I remember seeing that one.  The result of it all is that the guy goes as nuts as the other guy who's renting the chickens.    The story:  "It's not very long, and it looks kind of hand drawn. The story is about a guy who's driving in his own car, when this truck filled to the brim with cages of rowdy chickens pulls up beside him. The guy driving sticks his head out of the truck and yells, "Hey, mister! Ya wanna rent a CHICKEN!?" The guy says no, no he does not want to rent a chicken. The truck driver keeps bugging him about it, as the guy tries to get away. (I think) it ends with the guy finally acquiescing and renting a chicken."  You see, the guy who starts out not wanting to rent a chicken was sane, but went nuts because of the other guy's insistence on being nuts.


Sebastian Michaelis said...

I, too, am familiar with the Wanna Rent a Chicken animation. I saw it at Anime Central in Chicago a few uears ago. You're right about most of it, except the ending. In the end, the car-driver screeches to a halt and announces in a mad-hatter voice "Yes! I'll take the whole truck full!" overjoyed at his sale, the seller triumphantly trades vehicles with the former car owner only to hear, as he's driving away... "HEY, MISTER! YA WANNA RENT A CHICKEN?!"

city said...

thanks for sharing..