Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Who were the Luddites?

It may be a good idea to visit that topic.  The term gets used a lot, and I'd like to know what it means- exactly.

You can swallow the red pill or the blue one.  If you swallow the red one, you want to know.  That is the path of knowledge.  The path of ignorance is to swallow the blue pill.  Then you can believe whatever you want to believe- you'll substitute your beliefs for actual knowledge.  But you will be ignorant, just the same. The blue pill may be seen as the easy way out, hence its attractiveness.  The red pill may be seen as the hard way, and it might scare off most people.

Anything new is frightening.  But it may be no easier or harder than what already exists.  You only exchange one set of problems with another.  Problems will always exist.  Problems are good.  The only people with no problems are the ones in graveyards.  If you have a problem, it means you are alive.


Anonymous said...
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Greg said...

Comments need to be on topic. Humor is appreciated, but it if hasn't anything to do with the topic, I have to take it down or I'll have to change the standards.

Also, if you don't want your little boy or girl to see a comment, then don't put it up.

I realize that I sometimes may use some salty language myself-- but maybe this example was a little too much.

Please read the rules before commenting.

Greg said...

One more thing-- up till now I have allowed anonymous comments. For now on, that will no longer be allowed.