Saturday, January 21, 2012

South Carolina Primary — Open and Updates

As far as the early contests go, South Carolina is far and away the most important. A win in Iowa is good, but it serves mostly to add media attention to your campaign. A win in New Hampshire is equally impressive, but its not exactly a microcosm of the Republican electorate. I am a firm believer, insofar as the Republican party goes, that South Carolina picks Presidents.

If one is looking for a barometer, there's no need to go any further than this.  She really hates Gingrich, but with respect to Romney, he is just her idea of sport.   If people really hate Newt, as she seems to think, it is probably a pretty bad sign for the country.  The reason being that people would prefer to vote for personalities than to vote for issues.  A campaign designed with that in mind in such an environment could be successful.  But if the people want some answers for the problems the country faces, then a campaign about personalities could backfire.

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