Saturday, December 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich: “Utterly irrational” to Block the Keystone Pipeline (12-15-11) Fox News Debate

h/t Free Republic

The pipeline "cave" wouldn't have happened if the Republicans hadn't stepped in and put this into the bill. There are some who think Obama won't dare to kill the pipeline now. There are more hardhat workers than environmentalists even if the wackos may have more money.


Flashback: The environmental review by the State Dept has been completed for months. The real reason Obama delayed the decision was because of environmentalist objections and threats.
"[T]he American people are still waiting on the president for action ... nearly three years of delay have left a cloud of uncertainty around a project that will bring so many immediate jobs and so much secure energy to our country," Upton said in a statement.
[ emphasis mine]

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