Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CSM: Joe Lieberman contradicts Sarah Palin: Where's evidence of insider trading? (VIDEO)

In a USA Today op-ed Tuesday, Sarah Palin charged that Congress is guilty of insider trading. Sen. Joseph Lieberman told reporters at a Monitor breakfast he's seen no evidence.

Palin's op-ed here.  Here's a quote from that piece:
Our permanent political class relies on an apathetic and uninformed public to get away with this stuff. But if there is one issue that unites Americans across the political spectrum, it's absolute disgust with the corruption of our elected leaders. Congress and the White House need to earn the American people's trust again. We the people are not going to give up until we get the sudden and relentless reform we deserve or, as the book says, "we throw them all out" in 2012.

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