Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Words mean things

That's what Rush Limbaugh said. Ok, if words mean things, let's get some words well defined:
  1. fusion: 4. Physics A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.
  2. cold fusion: A hypothetical form of nuclear fusion occurring without the use of extreme temperature or pressure
With these two definitions, let's apply them to the two theories that have been written about on this blog
  1. BECNF
  2. Widom Larsen
Let's start with BECNF.  Is it fusion?  The answer is YES, because
  1. fusion is fulfilled because hydrogen combines with the nickel and 
  2. the energy released is simultaneous.
Is it cold fusion?  YES, because there is no use of extreme temperature nor pressure.  The process by which the fusion takes place is a Bose Einstein condensate which occurs at a non extreme temperature.  Pressure is also non extreme since that is not required for the theoretical (in this case) Bose Einstein condensate to form.

Therefore, BECNF is a cold fusion theory, since it fulfills the requirements of the definition for cold fusion.  But what about Widom Larsen?  Is it fusion?  The answer is NO, because
  1. Fusion is not fulfilled because the hydrogen (proton) becomes a neutron and a nucleus requires at least one proton, a lone neutron is not a nucleus.  Neutrons alone are unstable and beta decay within minutes.
  2. The energy released is a beta decay, which may or not release energy simultaneously, most often NOT
Cold fusion doesn't apply either, because it isn't fusion in the first place.  Therefore, Widom Larsen is not a cold fusion theory.  The proper term is Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, which should distinguish it from cold fusion.  This may be considered only a semantic difference, but words do mean things- just trying to keep it straight.

Which theory applies to the E-cat?  There are many theories, not just these two.  Funny thing, one or more of these theories may be correct because there may be more than one mechanism at work.  As of this writing, I know of no theory that has been demonstrated to be true.  In fact, there isn't complete agreement that there is a phenomenon that needs to be described by a theory.  People seem to be arguing about whether or not any energy is being formed at all.  My impression is that there's something going on, but nothing has been decided on what that something is.

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