Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kinky for Perry

via The Daily Beast

It seems sincere.  A quote:

"So would I support Rick Perry for president? Hell, yes!" 

"Three days later Rick called to give me a gracious little pep talk, effectively talking me down from jumping off the bridge of my nose. Very few others were calling at that time, by the way. Such is the nature of winning and losing and politicians and life. You might call what Rick did an act of random kindness. Yet in my mind it made him more than a politician, more than a musician; it made him a mensch."

This is not to say I'm pushing Perry.  I didn't know all that much about him before he declared.  I just don't pay that much attention to state politics.  It is interesting that someone who you would think would be in the Democrat corner doesn't talk bad about Perry, but the opposite.

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