Sunday, March 13, 2011

State of the blog

Whatever it takes to make it in the blogosphere, I don't seem to have found it yet.  But I am looking.  And looking hard.  Maybe it's time to step back and look at things now that I've been blogging regularly for about six months now.

First, I should mention how I got where I am right now.  My own status, as it is.  I've already mentioned that I had a blog before, back in 2004.  Perhaps I've mentioned this before, but it may be worth repeating.  Back then, I was trying to trade in the markets for a living.  I've attempted that several times since the late nineties.  None of these attempts have been successful.  After the attempt in 2004, I decided not to trade so much as to invest.  That strategy seems to have worked better than actively "day trading".   But it isn't enough to retire on.  I am 55 years old and I am of modest means.

I have worked at pretty much low level jobs my whole life.  Not that I've haven't had ambition, but none of it ever worked out.  Basically, I'm just a blue collar guy.  Most of my adult life, I've been a truck driver.  A delivery guy.  I know this isn't impressive to read, but that's the way it is.

A little over six months ago, things were not so hot on the job.  The company I was with decided to make things tougher on the drivers and finally they just went too far for me.  I left.  By the way, it isn't like I don't have any sympathy for the union people in Wisconsin.  The problem I have is the way they went about it.

I have written about most of this stuff from time to time on this blog.  But this is the most comprehensive I've been since I started. 

In the end, you have to decide on what you want.  I did that here, I think.  But it may well be worth repeating.  I'd like to make this my job now.  But in order to make it my job, it has to pull in some money, and it isn't doing that.  So, I have to find a way.  That first means getting an audience.  If I had that, I may be able to get the other.  But this has proven to be a hard nut to crack.  People are just not coming here.  What do I need to do?  Believe me, I've been thinking about constantly.

I've done some significant things ( I think) in the last six months.  I've covered a lot of ground.  Both literally and figuratively.  I will continue in some capacity here regardless of how it may go in terms of commercialization of this blog.  But, if I have to go back to driving, I won't be able to do as much as I've been doing.  I would hate to have to do that, but one does what one must.

People think this may be about me, but it isn't.  The things I write about here should be of interest to a lot of people.  I am critical of politicians, so I think I should make it clear that I am not interested in being one of those people myself.  One might get the impression that I want a political career.  I've thought about that, and I don't want that.  Instead of a political career, I would want to do the thing that the media is supposed to be doing.  The media should be the tribune for the people. 

In case you aren't familiar, the tribune of ancient Roman times, guarded the interest of the common folk or plebeian class against the interests of the patricians.  One of their powers was to be able to intervene legally on behalf of plebeians.  Not that I am seeking that, but, instead,  to be able to write about things and be supported in it, I believe that I can provide some means by which the common interest can be advanced.  It is not being supported very well right now, in my opinion.  There is a need for this.
That is what I would like to do.  I regret very much that nobody seems to be interested in it.   Hopefully, that can change.  I am hopeful and will continue to work toward that end.  But it is discouraging at times.

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