Thursday, October 14, 2010

O'Donnell v. Coons

In the last decade or so, I have become somewhat more active in politics.  What I
mean by that is that besides just voting, I have on occasion made some political
contributions.  These were pretty small in keeping with my rather modest means.

The thing that happens when you start contributing to politicians is that you
become a focal point for fundraising appeals.  Even though I didn't give very much,
I still get solicitations for contributions on a rather regular schedule.

And so I open my mail this morning and lo and behold, here is another one.  This
time it is a solicitation from Christine O'Donnell who is running for Senate from
the State of Delaware.   This is Joe Biden's seat, who is now Vice President.  This
is a special election to fill that seat, which currently in the hands of a guy who
is not on the ballot.

After all the garbage that has been happening the last few years, I am in no mood
to give money to any politicians anymore.  But this intrigued me.  I think she is
getting the usual liberal hit squad treatment in the media.  So I feel a little
more interested in her case than what I would normally feel.  And I opened up the
letter and read what she had to say.  It wasn't anything unusual, just another
run of the mill campaign donation request.

I looked her up on Wikipedia and there is a rather extensive article there.  I
feel overall that it is a fair article though.  It went over all the stuff the
media has been putting out about her.  Not a whole lot that was new.  But it did
give some of her views that leads me to believe she is conservative alright.  A
pretty solid conservative at that.  Nothing wrong with that.

Then I looked up her opponent and there wasn't a whole lot there.  The only thing
that sticks out was that Bearded Marxist thing.  Basically what I get from this is
that the guy is a reliable liberal.  Typical liberal mindset from the guy.  He
went overseas and became disillusioned with America.  Now he wants to change the
country into a different kind of country.  Sounds a little familiar.

He has a record in government office.  If he wins, it may be for that reason.
Unfortunately, that is not good enough these days.  I think the mindset of this
guy is part of what the problem is.  So putting him in there would be the same
as endorsing the status quo of the last two years.  If you like that, then vote
for him, because that is exactly what you are going to get from him.  I can't
vote for him, but I can donate to his opponent.

As of this writing, I haven't decided one way or the other on that.

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