Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lite posting for awhile

6:14 PM

I didn't think I'd have anything to blog today, but no, I am back again. It just shows to go ya that you should not act or speak hastily, as you may say or do something you might regret later.

But I won't post it here. Just had a thought, so something will be posted before shutting down for the night.

Until then.

9:04 AM

Maybe I spend too much time here, writing for this blog. Just now, I checked my visitor stats, and none of the most popular posts was about anything that took some thought for me to post.

I don't know about you people out there. I don't know about me either, for writing all this time, for an audience that isn't even here. if they are, they are awfully damned quiet.

We are in the middle of an election campaign that, if you believe what you hear, will change this country for good. If you believe the Democrats, you'd be motivated to vote for what you believe is democracy. You can believe that if you wish, but if you believe it, you haven't given it much thought. Harris didn't participate in any primaries, and the Democrats made sure that RFK Junior couldn't challenge Biden. Some "democracy", eh?

On the other hand, if you believe the MAGA folks, it will be a one party state if Harris wins. Well, I think that goes without saying. Even the Democrats wouldn't argue that one. All you have to do is read Krugman's book, the Conscience of a Liberal, to see that the Democrats will brook no dissent. If you have to defenestrate the Constitution and a Loyal Opposition, then you end up with a one party state--guaranteed.

Whatever you people believe, it is clear that something is going to change. Pretty soon too. I suppose if a piano is about to fall out of a window, something will change pretty quickly. The piano will be turned into junk. Anybody standing below it isn't going to be in good shape either. Best thing to do, is to get out of the way. Maybe that is about all you can do when the sheet heets the fan, main.

I'm not going away, though. I may have to change with the times, too. No matter what you may do, that's the one thing that you can count on. Things never stay the same forever.

This will my last post today, unless I get a real inspiration. Not that that will matter any. So later, ya'll.

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