Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Everything they do is meant to fool the public


Don't be fooled. Reality will set in eventually. Bells, whistles, and gimmicks cannot be the way to go. At some point, something real has to be demonstrated.

If indeed bells, whistles and gimmicks are all that it takes, then we don't deserve our good fortune. For the bells, whistles and gimmicks are just the means to bring an end to it all. If you are foolish enough to allow yourselves to be fooled in such a manner, then you cannot keep what you have. It WILL be taken away.


Here's a story that shows how. Costs will going up soon, while at the same time, during the election season, Dems are claiming that they've beaten inflation. Inflation will be back. Poor policy decisions are the cause.

Not only doing it with Medicare, but also at the gasoline pump. The Administration is using up Emergency fuel resources in order to keep pump prices down. Once the election is over, prices will go back up. These measures are chosen only to get them past the election. Once they are safely in office, they can continue with their misrule.

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