Thursday, May 2, 2024

Things are moving pretty fast, you have to be prepared to move fast to keep up

It's hard to organize a post, so it may be a bit confusing to follow it. Bear with me.

First of all, I woke up with a thought this morning. It was about truth, and the way back to sanity. Things appear pretty crazy right now, and something has got to get this to settle down into some kind of order. But you don't know at this time what that "something" will be.

That something could be the recognition of some point about upon which to unite. A hopeful thing would be around the truth, but the truth is an elusive quality. Part of the reason that it is elusive is that there's people out there who have a strong opposition to the truth. The truth doesn't favor them, so they mangle and distort events so as to be able to push forward an agenda that doesn't necessarily square with the truth.

If you don't have a firm grip on the desire to know the truth, then you will be like a feather in the wind. You'll go where the wind blows the strongest. For me, that is unacceptable. The wind that I follow is the wind of truth, and that goes where the truth lives. It doesn't live in certain kinds of people, and that in itself is the truth. Either we will organize ourselves on the basis of truth, or we won't. I think our society rose to greatness because it was organized in truth. This is in grave danger right now. It is not clear how this is going to shake out.

Now here is where it might get confusing. I saw an interview with a "student" protester yesterday. I didn't make note of it, nor did I make an effort to save it. Therefore, I am depending upon memory to relate it. So if I relate it, how do I prove what I saw? If the internet takes it down, then somebody can say that I made it all up. Facts could be lost down the memory hole this way. If you wanted, you can start making lists of things that have been convienently forgotten.

So the news de jour right now is these student protests. My take is that it is hurting Democrats. But what may be conveniently forgotten is that it was the Democrats who did things that got this ball rolling. But then again, I cannot prove this right here and right now, because to do so would mean I'd have to "bring receipts", and I don't have them handy right now. One of those things was this interview with that protester yesterday. I went looking for it, and I cannot find that interview.

The person being interviewed denied a number of facts regarding Oct 7th, 2023, and a number of other events that have happened since. If information is being suppressed, then how do you prove that the terrorist event in Israel even happened? It is like Israel just attacked Hamas for no reason at all, and started a genocide for no reason at all. That is, if you believe these people like that girl who was interviewed.

Obviously, there's a problem here. If you've got thousands and maybe tens of thousands of people who believe things that are not so, and they decide to get violent about it, then you end up with what we've got now. A full scale revolt may be under way, but for what? Does Hamas deserve and sympathy at all? After all, the entire chain of events was caused by the events of Oct 7th, 2023. If Hamas didn't want trouble with Israel, then they don't attack Israel. But Hamas DOES want trouble with Israel, and they do mean to win their fight with Israel. If they win their fight, there will be no more Israel. There just might also be no more Jews in Israel. Even when Jews have been there for thousands of years.

If that be the case, then wouldn't lying be part of Hamas' strategy?

Let me swerve into this postmodern concept of what the truth is. The postmodernists will argue that there is no truth. It's all a subjective thing. I guess, according to that philosophy, someone pointing a gun at you or shooting at you is all in your imagination. A lot of dead bodies is just your imagination. You don't see what you're seeing. But if you insist, then that's YOUR TRUTH. Their truth is somehow different.

There's got to be an objective standard of truth. These events happened or they didn't. If Hamas actually attacked and killed civilians, they actually committed a WAR CRIME. Then how does Israel get charged with a WAR CRIME when they are making every effort to spare civilians? The distinction should be obvious. Yet somehow that is a challenge for some people. Their truth doesn't exactly square with what actually happened. The FAIRY GODMOTHER didn't kill all those Jews on that day.

If you cannot support the truth, and you will not acknowledge and defend the truth, then where does that leave you? It leaves you at the mercy of those who will distort the truth in order to prevail in their agenda. If the truth is in the way of that agenda, then the truth goes by the wayside. Who then, will defend truth? Anybody?

Now swerve back to Biden. The guy lies continuously. It will be attributed to his senility. He just an old man. But is that really true? Or is the truth is that Biden has always been at war with the truth. So have a lot of what people call "liberals". Actually, it is more like modern day liberals, which is more like communists of old. The communists would say straight out that they didn't care for the truth. This is another one of those things that I don't have the receipts handy. But Lenin was quoted to have said that. It might even say in the Communist Manifesto that bourgeous morality is not their thing. Objective truth might well fall within the realm of thus called "bourgeous morality". After all, it isn't ethical to lie. But communists aren't so enamored with the truth if it gets in their way. If the communists are not lying, then they'd tell you that themselves.

I think Biden has been captured by the far left. So have a lot of Democrats. They think that they have to fight "fascism" by "any means necessary". If lying is necessary, then they'll lie their asses off.

I don't believe that Biden saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals was an example of his advanced age. The man has been a liar the whole time. He had to leave the presidential race of 1988 because he got caught red-handed in plagiarism. Back then, there was more respect for the truth, and Biden didn't have political viability after getting caught like that. But these days, he can say the most amazing whoppers, and nobody even flinches.

We have become accustomed to this kind of dishonesty. The result is that all sense of order and reason are breaking down.

We have entered an age of unreason that is overthrowing an age of reason. Nothing good can come of this. The results, I believe, are the kinds of things we are seeing in these protests. The protests that are based upon a mountain of lies.

Who will defend truth against a mountain of lies? Anybody??????? Why are the Democrats making these people a protected class? Are they in sympathy with LIARS? Is that what the Democrats have become? What about the GOP? Are they any different? The GOP likes to pretend to favor traditional values, like integrity. But where's the beef?

PS: Here's a receipt for ya. That girl in the interview mentioned above actually DENIED that things like this are going on:

Why would the media cover it up? Hmmmm????

Another receipt:

Why do these terrorists and terrorist sympathizers deserve to be classified as being "oppressed", when they are doing the oppressing themselves????

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