Friday, March 29, 2024

Looks like a hit job instead of a critique

Someone who fancies himself as a "common sense skeptic"

This isn't even an attempt at a fair criticsm of Starship. So, I'm guessing that this is being published so as to drive some sort of attempt to stop the Starship program.

All of this because Musk bought Twitter. These people.

Musk is running the most prolificly run space program the world has ever seen, and this guy thinks he can be persuasive? It's true, the most recent Starship launch was not 100% successful, but he talks like it is a complete failure, and should be stopped. If this program is stopped, what will replace it???? There's nobody even close to what Musk is doing. What an ass clown.

To compare it with SLS is even more of a joke. Yes, the SLS had a fairly successful launch. But look how much that program has spent. It has spent tens of billions of dollars for ONE launch. It won't launch again this year. This "common sense skeptic" ought to go soak his head.

He said if NASA had blown up as many ships as SpaceX, they'd had lost funding for sure. Yep. They sure would have. But SpaceX isn't paying as much per launch as NASA does. Each NASA launch of an SLS is going to cost a billion dollars or more. All you get is ONE launch. But SpaceX is creating a system that produce these rockets for much, much less. Each lost ship isn't coming out of the taxpayers pocket. SpaceX is funding this research. If NASA cuts it off, it won't stop.

SpaceX almost has it capable of putting stuff into orbit. If he does that, the Starship will be on a self-paying basis. That's far more than anybody else can say at this point. It is after all a private company. NASA is government funded operation. They can waste taxpayer money without consequence. To say the same about SpaceX is absolutely ridiculous.

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