Thursday, August 3, 2023

This is not good


This is not good

Looks like there's a movement afoot to put pressure on the Texas Legislators, who impeached Attorney General Paxton. All attention seems focused on the national scene, but if Texas is lost to the Democrats, then it's a one party state and national political scene for as far as the eye can see.

So I perused the actual impeachment articles and it didn't allay any suspicions about this being another one of the Democrat tricks. The seed for the impeachment may have sown by the DOJ, and the Texas Legislature, controlled by the GOP for a long time now, has decided to jump onboard this shit train.

The charges are pretty Mickey Mouse shit as far as I've read into them. There are a bunch of articles, which I suppose are intended to impress the public. Paxton must be some sort of beastly fellow, according to all this. Once I saw that the DOJ was in on it, my suspicions hit the bullshit region of the scale. This is coming from my representative in the state legislature. He was primaried last time, but won anyway. His literature claims that he is a conservative, but I smell a rat.

If Paxton did anything wrong, he should be held accountable. That's the ideal. But the reality is that all of this is one-sided. To join Democrats in a one-sided application of laws and standards is about the stupidest thing I can imagine. Yet, here they are doing it. I suspect that they are bought off, or they are terminally stupid.

Imagine that the DOJ in pursuing and indicting Trump, has now gotten the GOP to help them further their conquest. What a shit show. Anybody with any sense of justice should be offended. But the polls say Biden's approval is in the high 40's. Maybe it is, maybe it ain't. Since everything has turned to shit, it is hard to believe what anybody says these days. However, the Democrats are definitely committed to dishonesty. That's been true for a long time now. That's what happens in a war. If you try to play by honest rules against crooks, then the game is rigged.

If Paxton really did do something, it is Mickey Mouse shit that they're using to take over the state. This is how it works. The GOP tries to pose as knights in shining armor, with all their high scruples and other such rot, while they refuse to hold the Democrats to the same standards. We all get to feel good about upholding standards, while they plunge the dagger into our backs.

Then they come to us complaining about the Democrats "two-tiered" justice system. Well, if one exists, and it probably does, it's because they are helping the Democrats do it.

So what to do about it? A petition? No, that is not strong enough. There needs to be a major house-cleaning in the GOP. That may not even be possible, but the attempt should be made.

As of now, I think we are losing big time. Most people have their heads up their asses.

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