Sunday, August 13, 2023

Maybe it's time to change direction a bit

I'm coming up a blank on material again. Not only that, but I'm getting tired of all the bitching in the "conservative" media. It isn't going in the right direction, I suspect. Nor is there any sign that it is going to start.

Rather than let that affect me in negative ways, I'm going to have to spend my time elsewhere. That means my blogging is going to have to go elsewhere, and maybe even go away entirely.

But there are things out there still that could provide some material. If all else fails, and it looks like it can, there's always sports. That's what sports are for, to provide a distraction from the humdrum of daily life. Immerse oneself in the excitement of rooting for a team of your choice.

As long as I am considering making changes, what about changing football teams? If there's one thing I don't like, it is rooting for a team that isn't ever going to go anywhere but the dumpster. That'd be the Texans, of course.

Maybe I can study all the teams. I did that back in the late eighties. The game has changed a bit since then. The country has changed a bit since then. There's a lot of extraneous stuff I don't care for, but aside from some minor changes, it is pretty much the same.

I wrote a little about the 2023 draft. Impossible to predict what will happen, though. Who'd a figured that the Texans would trade away so much draft capital for just one guy. You can't figure on that stuff. On the other hand, when it comes to the Texans, they are like the GOP. They have a great talent for doing the wrong thing. Maybe I ought to root for the Cowboys.

The Astros are going okay. Not as good as last year, but not too bad. But I haven't been that much into baseball since I was a kid. The Astros of those years seem a lot like a certain football team of these years. Those years were frustrating for an Astros fan. Now they are one of the better franchises.

So I might be writing about different things. Might well continue with the Starship stuff. It has gotten light in the developments recently. Not much there.

Focus Fusion may have jumped the shark for me. The appeal to radical leftists is just too much. Nevertheless, if they can succeed, it will be a big deal.

My attitude is a bit like the way General George Patton was depicted in that 1970 film. He said that Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Why should I tolerate a loser then? I'm sick of it. I won't jump on the winning side just to be on the winning side. I won't go that far. But I'm really getting sick and tired of this losing shit. Bitching about it won't change anything. Maybe it is time to move on.

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