Sunday, July 2, 2023

Computing shows a dark side

The one technology that has advanced since the late sixties has been computers. It did seem like a good thing, but the dark side of it is really starting to show. The "tech giants" seem to be a modern day Goliath.

There have been a few things happening lately that can be described as unusual computer problems. I'm still dealing with the internet service that I WAS using, but it stopped working for some reason. Then, there are other things. The fact that you have to have security software is particularly annoying to me now. The provider couldn't fix it, and I got a new service. That seems to be going well so far, but...

I caught the Facebook app doing a large download recently, The app isn't supposed to be active. I keep shutting it down, but it keeps re-activating itself. If you try to delete it, the system says it may "misbehave". It is already misbehaving. So I guess it may mean it will misbehave even worse. There's security software, but it is annoying to use, and lately it seems to not do what it says it does. Reminds me of our so-called "leaders".

Windows seems especially nosy. It wants you to go online all of the time, but going online exposes you to outside threats. Ah! So that makes them necessary, so the only solution is to stay online even if it you don't want to be. Windows was once described as being "inherently" insecure. It is a faulty design, and that is a feature- not a bug. It isn't a bug because it gives them opportunities to sell you more security software and so forth. It's a market opportunity that they've created for themselves. How convenient! Sounds corrupt to me. You'd call the cops, but wait... Can you trust the cops?

Computers seem to be a good thing, and they've made a number of things more convenient. But it comes at a price. There's a lesson there somewhere, but I'm not sure that anyone gives a flip. Since it is so much a part of my life now, the idea of disengaging from it comes to mind, but it's quickly ruled out. What happens if it goes away? The dependency upon this tech gives them opportunities to exploit, which they don't seem to mind doing.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

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