Saturday, January 15, 2022

Today's two cents

If there is anything that I've established over the 10 plus years that I've been blogging regularly, is that I am willing to express an opinion. So, here I go again...

This post may be far-ranging, because there's a lot going on. The top of the list has to be Joe Biden's meltdown last week. He's even got Peggy Noonan concerned. Even the libs at CNN think he's had a bad week. Now that's saying something. With respect to CNN, I noticed that our very conservative part of the state had it on the TeeVee when I stopped by someplace to get a few victuals. Supposedly, nobody watches CNN except captive audiences. The sound wasn't on, but the video was. Evidently, at the time I was there, they were celebrating the charging of some January 6th defendants for sedition. Allow me to segue into THAT one.

Somehow an election controversy has become a seditious conspiracy. Joe Biden took up that theme with his meltdown special and now even the pinkos are concerned. It was a controversy that they have tried to suppress. They continue to suppress it. Mr. Poopy Drawers even asked his correligionaries in the media to censor his opposition. He asked employers to do what the Supreme Court just banned-- vaccine mandates. It seems to me that if he could do THOSE things, he could very damned well have fixed an election. A protest against this very thing isn't sedition. It is their right under our Constitution, and our BILL OF RIGHTS. They don't necessarily have a right to riot, but if they were attacked after being invited into the Capitol Building, I think there may be exetenuating circumstances here. If Biden's is going to censor everything to the contrary, it seems to me that he may have something to hide.

Joe Biden may well be justified in his meltdown if he is hiding something that may well get exposed by a supposedly free press. Except it isn't so free these days. Dan Bongino just got cancelled by ScrewTube. OAN just got cancelled. The problem is that the First Amendment says that we have this thing called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. It isn't only free if Ill Duce permits it to be so. His faction cares about that when it comes to their speech, but not anybody else's. A free and open inquiry is not what he seeks. It could only be because he fears such an inquiry. Why would he fear that unless he had something to hide? Joe Biden's request of a private entity to suppress his opposition is expressly forbidden as a government edict which violates the First Amendment. So much for the Rule of Law.

It is a very troubling time indeed. I noticed a poll in which a large faction of Americans want to PUNISH people for refusing an injection which has had some very bad side effects. The so-called free press doesn't seem very interested in reporting this and a multitude of other facts. Their faction needs to stay fired up if they are going to prevail in this fight. Obviously they cannot have to be forced to backtrack on their phony narratives all the time, so censorship is their way now. Only problem is, they do this with a straight face by claiming to save our "democracy". They also claim that this country is at the head of the "free world". The "free world" isn't very free these days. Censorship is not an aspect of free societies, but it is now and in this land of the free and home of the brave.

Don't forget to take a knee when you say that. It is part of the national anthem. By the way, George H. W. Bush ran on the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms. I wonder if the Bushes still feel that way. "One nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all." Whoda thunk that THIS would be controversial? That was in 1988. It is definitely not allowable in a classroom THESE days. Last time I checked, the Bushes and Cheneys were aligning with those who were against the Pledge and the National Anthem then, and especially now. But somehow WE are the traitors.

That's my two cents for now. I'm sure that they will be something in the future, so stay tuned. Don't let the 'rona bite ya. It used to be bedbugs but they are in DC and they are crazy as hell.

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