Monday, March 15, 2021

A "warped" idea that might really work

Nobody knows how to "beam us up, Scotty" yet, but a warp-drive may be possible sooner than thought possible. It seems that it won't require technology way beyond our means, so it could be feasible.

But hold your horses. They aren't there yet. It still requires an astronomical amount of energy, but that could be fixable. If not, still no luck. However, if it is fixable, then proto-types could be built.

The new theories rely upon a concept called "solitons", which can be reproduced without "exotic" forms of energy. Even with this concept, it stlll takes a lot of energy. The fixable part depends on whether or not theoretical energy savings can work within this new soliton framework.

If so, trips to the stars can be feasible. So, Scotty, "warp us outta here"!

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