Thursday, December 10, 2020

Parsing Out Pennsylvania

Parsing Out Pennsylvania: If you want to see how a U.S. Supreme Court, packed to 13 or 15 with Joe Biden appointees, would act, then look at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which is dominated by five elected Democrats. In February 2018, the PA Court threw out the existing ...


The piece goes on to say that the Supreme Court would not throw out the election because there were a lot more races besides the Presidency.  

If the system in those states was flawed, why the hell not?  The electors could still be set by the states in time for the electoral college, and new elections could be held with the corrected system for the down ballot races.

Geez.  This is the problem with conservatives.  Always cannot be done according to these people.  If a liberal court was in charge, they sure as hell throw it out.  Libs have done it before, or disregarded or reversed elections.

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