Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Out wolfing the wolf

This gets settled one way or another

There's an Aesop Fable that I like to cite every now and then. This could be one of those times in which that fable applies.

It's the one about the wolf and the lamb having an argument. The fable says that force has the better of an argument. Since the wolf is bigger, stronger, and meaner; it wins. The lamb's arguments, no matter how well stated, logical, and pertinent to the matters at hand, the wolf does what he wants anyway.

If you approach an argument in the position of the lamb, and you're arguing with a party that is in the position of the wolf; the wolf is going to win.

With respect to this election thing, I wouldn't want to approach it as if I were the weaker party. You have to be convinced you have the strongest hand. You have to approach with the intent to do whatever it takes. I'm not so sure that our side understands this.

In other words, this may not matter as to who actually won the election. It is a matter of who's willing to do what.

Know what I mean, Vern?

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