Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Government is not the solution, it is the problem.

Ronald Reagan once said something like that.

When Reagan took over as POTUS, the country was going through what was called an "energy crisis".  There were folks back then who didn't believe in this crisis.  There were those who did.  I was on the side of those who did if you can believe that.

Well, I didn't vote for Reagan in either 1980 or 1984.  But he was right about the miscalled energy crisis.  If Reagan didn't deregulate the oil industry, the government might have taken it over.  I know there was talk about that back then.  If not a takeover, then a humongous regulatory scheme from hell.  If you look now, the energy crisis seems to be gone.

There was also a 55 mph speed limit that took over 20 years to get rid of.  The whole idea behind the speed limit was to save gas.  It didn't work too well.  Besides, there was a lot of civil disobedience with respect to that limit.  A small industry was created in how to evade the limit.  Finally, sanity returned and both of these relics from the 70's were done away with.

But the left keeps on coming back with their silly ideas.

If you want to make comparisons between now and then, there really isn't anything different.  This time the government is trying to take over EVERYTHING.  With this phony crisis, they will end up destroying private enterprise, and we will be told that socialism is the only way to restore the economy.

But it is the government that is destroying the economy.  

It is doing it ostensibly because of a health care issue, but that is just as phony as the energy crisis of the bygone era just mentioned.  There is no crisis except that the government is getting way too involved in everyone's lives, and we would all be a lot better off if they would do what the "Bandit" did in the movie Smokey and the Bandit.

The movie was really about the civil disobedience to the nutty ideas related to an energy crisis.  People back then used their CB radios to avoid the "smokies" who enforced the speed limit.

What the bandit did was ask Sheriff Buford T. Justice of Texas if the letters F.O. had any meaning for him.

The government just needs to get this message.  But somebody has to deliver it.

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