Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Beware of dishonesty from all directions

It has been a long-held view of mine that there are many who claim to be conservative, and aren't really.

These are the ones who called themselves as being "on the right".  Ronald Reagan didn't subscribe to that view of himself.  Indeed, I think Reagan had the right idea when he said there is no right v. left.  It isn't about right v. left.  It's about freedom v. tyranny.

I strongly suspect those on the so-called right who seem to be overplaying this riot and protest thing.

I also strongly suspect those in the media which refuse to condemn those who resort to criminal behavior while claiming that it is mere protest.

It isn't about being "in the middle" either.  Truth and lies are diametrically opposed.  Those who subscribe to the right v. left paradigm are Marxist in nature regardless of which side they claim to be on.  Marxists of all stripes are no friends to the truth.

I believe Reagan had more or less this view and so do I.  Therefore, be on the lookout for those who seem to be trustworthy and claim to be conservative, yet are hyping this thing.

I'm not saying that there isn't any rioting.  But when I hear statements like "America is burning down", I am a bit suspicious.  Maybe parts of the country are seeing trouble, but America is a very big country.  I'd say the vast majority of this country is in good shape.  There are a few troublemakers out there and they are raising a lot of Cain right now.  But don't be fooled no matter who the source is.

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