Monday, November 18, 2019

Morrison transcript

There are about 270 pages of testimony recently released with respect to Morrison.  Col. Vindman reported to Morrison, so that establishes some of the significance of Morrison.   Also, Morrison talked to Sondland and Taylor, who have testified.  Also, Fiona Hill.  Morrison took over from Hill just about two weeks before the July 25th call.

The critics of the POTUS may have some smoke, but no fire that I can see.  Not a smoking gun, just smoke in the sense of something maybe there, maybe not.

I've read through about a third of this, but it is a tough slog.  Maybe the last two-thirds has something of significance in it, but I haven't the desire to read so much at a time.  Besides, it is boring stuff for the most part.

Perhaps if I had read more of it in advance.  That would prepare me better for reading the transcript of the open testimony.  Or make it redundant.  It would depend upon anything new from the last go-round.

My opinion of this at this time is that they may be able to do some damage to Trump's credibility, but that is all.  I'm not saying that they definitely will succeed at that, only that it may be possible for them to achieve this much.   As for the rest, there's a lot more to go.

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