Saturday, July 30, 2016

A gang of straw men

That's the globalist's arguments.

They accuse Trump of advancing notions that exist either in the imaginations of globalists, or don't exist at all.  These is the straw men gang that can't stand straight, nor talk straight.

They accuse Trump of wanting to end all immigration.  No.  He wants to end illegal immigration.  He wants to keep bad guys out.  If you keep bad guys out, they cannot do bad things over here in our country.

They accuse Trump of wanting to end free trade.  No.  He want to end bad trade deals.   Why make bad trade deals just because of notion that - because they are "free", that this is automatically good?  By the way, "good" for who?  Evidently, not many people who actually live here.

They accuse Trump of creating a new political divide.  No.  He wants to unite Americans so as to keep the country intact.   "No borders, no country" he says.  Why would you want to divide a country you want to preserve?

If you set aside the straw men arguments, you get a lot a loose straw.  Nothing firm that you can stand on.  Which is that globalists neither have a leg to stand on in terms of their accusations, nor their ideas.

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