Monday, August 5, 2013

Rossi's 1 MW device

Way back in October 2011, Rossi had a demonstration of his 1 megawatt device.  Let's say it was all on the level.  Let's say that the thing really worked as advertised.

What exactly would you have with such a device?

The device looked like a conex thingy that I've made deliveries to.  You could fit it on a semi rig and haul it around that way.  This gives an idea as to its dimensions.  Not too terribly big.

Let's say you can get 1/3 of its thermal energy converted to electricity.   That may be way too optimistic.  But let's use that number.

There's no information that I know of with regards to manufacturing cost.  But let's speculate on that a bit in terms of a useful device to make hydrogen for sale for fuel cell cars.

In my delivery business, I have an idea of how much revenue I can get from a vehicle.  Using some of Rossi's numbers, and hydrogen production numbers, I can guesstimate how much revenue from hydrogen sales that I might get.  Let's say you can get about a half million dollars a year in revenue from this device.  That, by the way, is wildly optimistic.  For the sake of argument, though, let's use that number.  Now, in order for it to be as profitable as my delivery vehicle is, the cost of the entire apparatus would have to be rather small in order to make it all worthwhile.  I'm thinking no more than a half a million for the entire shebang.  Even that number would be much higher than what I spend for my delivery vehicle.

Now, with this reasoning, I'm guessing that this isn't worth the effort.  Not enough revenue for the amount spent.  The more the apparatus costs, the more impractical it becomes.  If you could get the numbers for the device way down, it may start to make some sense.  But this seems unlikely.  To get a number like I'm getting for my van, the apparatus would have to be dirt cheap.  Not likely.

In order to reach a final verdict, I'd have to know how much one of Rossi's 1 MW devices costs.  The range could be anywhere to 50k to 500k.  Probably as close to 50k as you can get.  That wouldn't be all.  Then you'd have to make a custom made device to make electricity from the heat.  The price for such a device would also have to be kept down as low as possible as well.

This does not seem encouraging.

However, if you could pull it all off, and if you had a customer base, the sky would be the limit.

As usual for any business, costs are key.  You'd have to be very, very sure of the costs.

I'd say this potential venture is most unlikely.  At this point, not impossible.  lol

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