Monday, August 12, 2013

Has the USA passed the event horizon?

Another way of saying it is: is the USA past the point of no return?

There may be no stopping the illegal immigrant legislation.  Not only that, the Democrats have been successful in making this a racial issue.  So, in the future, the demographics will favor them, and almost everybody knows it.

That's why the GOP is so anxious to cave in on the issue.  They've lost it and they know it.

If this bill passes, there won't be any chance of redefining the issue on non racial grounds.  That may be a long shot, but it will still exist for awhile if this bill is defeated.  The questions are, number one, can the bill be defeated, and number two, can the GOP redefine the issue on non racial grounds.  In other words, are we past the point of no return?

If we are, things are likely to get ugly.  The Democrat's ideas can't work.  For heaven's sake, the Congressional Black Caucus wants Sheila Jackson-Lee to be responsible for homeland security.  Putting this imbecile in charge of the nation's security is suicide.  But that will become the norm in the liberal's version of a brave new world.  We will likely see these imbeciles all over the place.

How is it that this can happen?  How can an imbecile be in charge unless we are all imbeciles?  Surely, not everybody is that stupid.  But here we are.

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