Sunday, June 30, 2013

Will Schumer's "Jedi Mind Trick" work on enough Republicans?

Schumer's trying some type of psychological gambit on the GOP.

Fox News: "I believe that by the end of this year, the House will pass the Senate bill," Schumer said.
The mind trick seemed to work in the Senate, but what about the House?  Some of them are not hypnotized by the suggestive power of Schumer's words

"I was moved almost to the point of tears by Senator Schumer's concern for the future prospects of the Republican Party," Gowdy said, sarcastically.
There's a big split in the GOP, all right.  Just look at the toe sucker, Dick Morris.  He's supposed to be all GOP now, but he just loves his big government liberalism.  There's a real split there, but it need not be over the welfare of the GOP.  You can bet that a partisan issue is going to have Democrats lined up solidly on one side and the GOP on the other.  In this case, the GOP is split.  Why the split?  Because the GOP doesn't know its true interests.

How to tell?

As I wrote before, the only reason the Democrats want this is that it is good for them.  The illegals don't even want citizenship.  They only want to work and to send money to their families.  With this in mind, then why does the GOP think it is good for them too?  If it is so good for the GOP, why wasn't there a significant opposition in the Democrat caucus?  Not only insignificant, but non-existent opposition.  Do these Republicans really believe the Democrats have their best interests in mind?

The Democrats won't agree to any bill without a pathway to citizenship.  The best interests of anybody else, whether it is the illegals or the GOP, is secondary in their opinion.   If it is in the best interests for the illegals to come out of the shadows, it could be done just as easily without citizenship as with citizenship.  Therefore, the Democrats are only interested in their votes and the power that goes with it.

The GOP should recognize this and act accordingly.

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