Saturday, February 23, 2013

Liberalism dominates the zeitgeist, which is a death cult

A thought that's been rumbling around my cranium today.  The spirit of the time favors bad thinking which is destroying the nation and the culture.  Liberalism dominates the culture and therefore dominates the zeitgeist.

The zeitgeist favors movements like environmentalism, abortion, pacifism, multiculturalism, amongst other vile notions that promise good things, but deliver evil---and underlying it all is the philosophy of postmodernism.  That philosophy holds that there are no truths, and that truths only serve to bind a society into chains.  Meanwhile, real chains are being forged that will replace the supposed ones from which postmodernism seeks to "free" us.  The real chains will be the abandonment of our freedoms and imposition of an authoritarian, totalitarian state dominated by a cult of personality.  Our lives--- down to the most minute details--- will be controlled by the state in the name of freedom.  Such Orwellian contradictions will become the rule of the mind-control state the postmodernists seek to impose upon us.

Real freedom requires that we get back to basics.  That means postmodernism has to go---and take with it the cradle-to-grave welfare state.  The basics means constitutional law and real freedom which used to be the norm, not the exception.

The failure to do this will lead to the extinction of Western Civilization as we have known it.  Postmodernism is akin to the poisioned Kool-Aid that the Death Cult of Reverend Jim Jones forced upon his followers---which resulted in mass death.  Political correctness is that Kool-Aid in the wider civilizational enforcement mechanism that can be witnessed today.  For example, anybody who deviates from the favored thought process is punished---but that punishment should be a badge of honor amongst those who intend not to drink that liberal, leftist Kool-Aid mind-control.  The Kool-Aid must be avoided at all possible at as many locations and persons as possible.  If that is done, a recovery might be possible.  Turn off your TV.  Stop educating your kids at leftist mind-control universities.  Eschew the Kool-Aid and take the red pill of reality.  Step out of the Matrix and into the real world.

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