Friday, September 28, 2012

Laws of nature and of war

As I've written many time before, Imperial Japanese officials were asked why they attacked the US at Pearl Harbor--- with the answer being that they thought we wouldn't fight.  I think this affirms a principle of war which also affirms a principle of nature.  That principle is to not attack strong points, but weak points instead.

You see that principle in martial arts.  Vital regions are points for attack.  It would make little sense to attack an area that will yield little effect.  It will lead to expense of energy and increase the will of the opponent to fight.

In nature, if a large prey is attacked, it is by a pack of predators.  A single predator cannot succeed against a bigger and stronger animal.  Also, the young and weak are targeted.

Obama is at war with what he pretends is his own country.  Make no mistake about that.  But he is not a clever general.  He is depending too much on the stupidity of his opponent while making attacks against strong points.  He is only increasing the will to fight while achieving little effect.

But he does have a couple hole cards--- foreign and domestic.  Among those are America's enemies.  He needs allies overseas and he is actively seeking them all the time.  He won't defend the country while the enemy gathers its strength.  At home, his attacks are against the young and the weak minded--- the attacks are on the mind and spirit of those who have the least capability to resist.

But these are not what rules in this country, rather it is the exception.  In addition, weakness can be firmed up. Ignorance isn't a terminal illness.    The young will grow up.   The media can be beaten.

If he succeeds, it will be his own country.  That's the point.  Politics is simply war by another name.

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