Sunday, September 30, 2012

God is not mocked

Ok, this title is not intended to be a religious statement.  But everybody believes in something, even the atheists.  One thing that I believe in is the truth.  If there is a God, he cannot lie.  The truth will be known.

With that in mind, I turn to this prediction that Obama will lose in a landslide.  The author cites several very good reasons why Obama cannot win.  Yet the polls indicate otherwise.  So, who is right and who is wrong?

I've already written that I don't trust the polls.  There are several good reasons why they can't be trusted. These reasons cannot be ignored, even though they will be anyway.   But what about the pollsters that have been reliable over the past years?  It appears to me that even these are suspect.  When everything seems to be pointing the wrong way, what and who can you trust to tell you the truth?  In the end, one has to rely upon one's own judgment and do what is indicated.  The re-election of Obama is not indicated despite everything that may be getting reported that says otherwise.

For God is not mocked.  In order to re-elect Obama, people will have to ignore the evidence of the own senses.  They would have to give up their own judgment and succumb to a steady drumbeat of propaganda.  For the truth is not the friend of Obama.  How can people ignore the fact that fewer people are working, incomes are dropping, Iran is seeking an atomic bomb, the administration has covered up a terrorist attack in Benghazi, the Democrats have passed an unpopular ObamaCare bill, the Middle East appears to be turning radical and hostile, Russia is acting like the Soviet Union of old, and despite all this and much more- vote to re-elect Obama even though he is on the wrong side of every one of these facts?

The only way Obama wins is by default or by fraud.   There can be no other possibility.  If Obama wins, it will be obvious why and that truth too shall be known.  For God is not mocked.

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