Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Carbon Emissions Are Good

By Robert Zubrin, National Review Online

  • All available evidence supports the contention that human CO2 emissions offer great benefits to the earth’s community of life.
  • Studies done at Oak Ridge National Lab on forest trees have shown that increasing the carbon dioxide level 50 percent, to the 550 parts per million level projected to prevail at the end of the 21 century, will likely increase photosynthetic productivity by a further 24 percent.
  • In addition, global warming would lengthen the growing season, thereby increasing still further the bounty of both agriculture and nature.
  • Through our CO2 emissions we are making the earth a more fertile world.
  • Looking at the data, we see significant global cooling since the time of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), which occurred 55 million years ago. The atmosphere contained 2,000 parts per million carbon dioxide, more than five times the 380 parts per million that is does today.
  • The fact that increased CO2 is constructive and highly beneficial to both mankind and the natural world is ignored.


Obama's EPA wants to kill off the fossil fuel industry, but claims credit for greater oil production.  How does he have any credibility on this subject?

Zubrin grants that carbon dioxide may warm the earth, but it may not even do much warming at all.  Looking at it logically, how can it be possible for carbon dioxide to have so much an effect when all of the oxygen in the atmosphere came from carbon dioxide via photosynthesis?  This implies a much higher concentration of carbon dioxide than present, which would have boiled off all of the oceans if it were so powerful a greenhouse gas as they seem to believe.

This madness has been going on for more than twenty years and now has led to the shutdown of coal fired plants.  Add this to what's happening in Europe and it looks like the enviros are trying to destroy Western Civilization.  Energy is critical for our standard of living.  Do they really believe windmills and solar power can do the job?  Have people lost their minds?

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